Wednesday, August 11, 2010

About the blog..

                                    Actually, this is my first blog. I've been meaning to write a blog from about the past 50 light years. Just kidding, I am not not that old , my age is only around 49 light years.Yep as you can see by now, I am one of those crazy, stupid introverts who write big blogs about actually nothing.Now-a-days everybody who is a somebody writes a blog, and I am one such nobody who wants to be somebody in this world which I think is even crazier than me..Enough about me, Lets start ..
                                    My blog is titled "Life as I see it", I know this sounds a little something like "The world as I see it" which is ,rather was, written by Mr. Albert Einstein. But I guess its not patented well enough. But we , by we I mean that me and Mr. Albert Einstein have many things in common, for instance "hairstyles".We have more things in common but that things are left to the imagination of the reader of this stupid blog. Well, I know most people will think "Everybody has his own life, so why bother reading about this stupid blog?".And the reason is exactly the same thing . You should read this blog because it is crazy and from an entirely crazy person's point of view.I was going to give a different title to this blog like "My experiments with life" as you all know is a little bit copied from Mahatma Gandhi. But I am sure, he would have allowed me to use this title, since he fought for freedom and anyways I didn't perform many experiments with life since I am still alive at this very moment (Experiments fail sometimes, you know.) And anyways the current title in my mind clicked and so that's it.
                                      I consider myself the biggest procrastinator in this whole wide and spherical world. So you would ask why I actually started writing this blog, the reason is one of my friends and a movie.I saw a movie called yes-man where the actor has to say yes to everything  that he is confronted with. Since I was a little bored now, I decided that I should try it too(Its selective). And when I called my friend the next day, she told me that I should write a blog since she thought that I was crazy enough , and crazy people do get a lot of followers and I could dominate the world in couple of light years. So I thought  why not?? So this was how this blog was born..But the real reason for writing this blog was the inspiration that google would finance me to write this blog and I could be a multi-billionaire in a couple of years(I hope this happens before I finish my degree.)
                                          Phew, writing a blog sure is a lot of hard work..I'll try to update it atleast twice a week, since I am a little busy doing nothing right now.So all those crazy people people out there, wait for my new post. It'll be out by the next, I dont know(Its a lot of hard work, you know).But from the next time, I'll start writing about the thing I actually wanted to write about that is "Life as I see it...". 
                                          I know this blog isn't that attractive without all that text and image formatting shit. But i am still in the learning phase. Hope you understand..