Thursday, September 9, 2010

Publishing in sleep mode !!

                            So, it sure has been a lot of time since my last entry, which was I guess a long shot from what was supposed to be my original topic for this blog.Anyways its always nice to introduce yourself {in my case its totally necessary since i am an exceptional case(maybe)}. So if you know me, you should probably expect me to do the some of the  things that i do, like in this case, procrastination.
                           Anyways, turning right back to the topic. Its been quite a while and since my first blog entry many of the things in my life have changed, right from the location to the time which is , as always, changing. It took me a lot of effort and a lot of pushing from friends to start writing again.
                           The last month was a mixed lot of emotions, I left a bunch of few close friends back in Mumbai and came to another set of friends in Chennai. Life is a very funny thing (well, its not a thing ,actually its a concept ,a meta-physical one and don't even bother to ask me what it is, even i don't know clearly about it). Sometimes , well actually all the time, I wonder about the answer to life, I wonder if there even is an answer to it or it is an answer to another question which i don't know about.. Life is so full of questions which are non-answerable and full of answers which are unquestionable(Yes, there is a lot of difference between these two).I know there has been a lot of research on this topic and still its going on in many ways and many places.
                            Any-which-ways life is a by-product of well ,you know what, we were born along by chance and we try to control life as soon as possible. But the more we try to control life the more life amazes us (like the other day when I planned to visit the beach with my friends , we ended up in a cinema hall watching Lafangey Parindey, I can't really comment which one would have been better) .It's stupid to question life , if you question it you will get depressed, if you just enjoy everything at the moment, everything in life will amaze you.Anyways i already told you about the unanswerable questions and the unquestionable answers..Life is one of them or probably both of them.There are many such questions in my mind, like "Is pizza better than a burger?"(I know people will have a lot to say on both sides, but I still believe questions like these are unanswerable).Like this there are people who can say a lot stressing on both sides.I've always wondered about the phrase " The grass is always greeneer on the other side." People always say this whenever they aren't satisfied with their current condition, but when they stand for something (i mean when they support), they don't even look on the other side and start imposing their own grass.
                              Life according to me should be like a cloud, floating away gently wherever life takes you and still have a purpose (Hello!!!, clouds do have a purpose.Where do you think it rains from??) and if you are floating, you could always look at both the sides and decide which side is greener or better still float in  the middle of the river seperating the two sides and laugh like hell on the ignorance of both sides.
                              I read this somewhere, "We spend most of our lives conjugating three verbs: to want, to have, and to do" and thought that this is applicable to most of us.But this shouldn't be, life isn't limited , well in a sense it is, but what the hell, it doesn't matter have many moments of life you have ,the things that matter are how much life you have in those moments.Well, according to me (You don't have to believe me ,I am one of those crazy tried and tested guys, You can also try on your own, though it is not recommended until you reach the age of 60, when you have enough time to do everything else), you don't have to do anything special , just take life as it comes and leave the rest .Well that's the best way I've come up with 21 years of research.I am still digging for more, but I'll let you know as i come to get it.
                              Anyways, now I got to go, as i am seriously sleep-deprived.I still haven't got time to format the text and images and all, but it's only Words and Words are all I  have, right now. So see you next time.. Bye...