Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Extreme!!!! (Another Amateur post..)

                                 It’s been many days since I’ve updated my blog and frankly I was on the verge of quitting writing completely. But now many things have changed in the past few months and especially more so in the past few days. These past three or four days have been a kind of a revolution in my life, they have taught me many things, things that maybe I’d known before but didn’t take them seriously at all..
                                 Today’s blog is about one such thing I realized in the past few days; I am going to talk or rather write about it. So the thing that I am about to talk as is obvious from the title is extremities. Yes it’s about living life in the extremes.
                                I’ve had a great time experimenting with the extremes, naturally I am or I always was an extreme person; atleast I thought I was. But I tried to become consciously & subconsciously a moderate person for the last few years I mean around 4-5 years. I know that’s quite a long span of time to experiment with yourself, but some experiments do take time to come to the final conclusion. Anyways the final conclusion I came to was, well you can guess is “Moderation is totally over-rated.” You don’t actually know about anything if you do it in moderation. In order to live a life (and by that I mean living and not surviving) you must experience everything to its fullest with its advantages as well as repercussions of it.
                                   I was just playing with my dog yesterday and I suddenly realized what he was doing, he was just enjoying the moment as if there was no tomorrow. He was living fully in the moment and doing everything in the extremes, extreme happiness, extreme excitement, loving fully however the person in front of him was, whatever I did, regardless of my past and baggage. I mean I don’t have that kind of emotional baggage but whatever I wasn’t exactly playing with life, I was “trying to be normal, doing everything in moderation” and it showed. I lost my life to moderation, I refused many opportunities just to be in the moderate safe zone, became shy and closed, yes I have some regrets about it but still it was good to experiment, I learnt something which some people take years to understand and possibly die of it.
                                  I can’t really say it was a good experience because I had to face many things because of which I almost turned a recluse. I lost many opportunities to make new friends many cool projects which would further my so-called career among many other things.
I don’t mean that my career is sinking or I have bad friends, god knows that I’ve got the best of friends that a person could get in this universe, but I admit my career would’ve been in much better shape if I’d taken this seriously and studied to the extremes, I mean I studied like most students do(striving just to get passing marks, no extra efforts), but now I’ve realized the secret is going for it all, win it or lose it, there’s no other way to enjoy your studies.
                                   So the fact of the matter is that life is lived only in the extremes, life kind of loses its value when lived in moderation without much risks. I’ve heard this somewhere “You only live life when you fear and still go against it. It’s only when your heart beats fast that you actually live, everything else is just breathing and surviving.”
It’s the times like when you propose for the first time; own up a mistake in front of your professors; accidently screwing up and then waiting for the consequences or deliberately doing something that you know is wrong, I am not preaching doing this, but it’s quite exciting nevertheless. Another important fact I remember is from a book titled “Brida” written by Paulo Coelho. It’s quite an interesting little book. There’s a scene in the book where the central figure’s dad asks her how’s the water of a lake or a river, I don’t exactly remember, then she dips one of her toes inside the water and says it’s quite cold, then her father throws her into the water and then asks her how the water is, again. Then she replies that it has become warmer. An important lesson to be learned here is whenever you want to do something new just immerse in it, it always looks cold at first, just immerse into it fully and then you’ll begin to enjoy it. I am sure most of you have experienced this water thing.
                                                      And yes finally as everything extremum too has its disadvantages, you tend to really crash down and fall flat and you seem to have lost everything when something you do fails. But there is a reason why you failed and if you have the right amount of courage you can lift yourself higher than before and live life more. You do seem to lose interest in living but I guess you can’t live life unless you accept that death is something we need. Once you are at your lowest you can see only one way and that is ahead because there’s nothing behind you. Maybe that’s why they say,” Sometimes we really need a great fall to stand up again.”
                                                              Finally another quote, " Screwing up is good, it shows that you are playing life to your limits."Anyways now it’s time for me to go, got to get back to studying. I got back writing to this blog today since I overdid my jogging and my back still hurts so I wasn’t able to study during the day, and yes writing is my one of my passions and I was stupid to let it go because of a few bad comments. And as for me I am going to live my life to the extreme..So catch you later..