Thursday, February 21, 2013

The games we play... Excellent poem!!

Read this poem somewhere, don't remember where, but its worth every minute of your time

The game we play,
is lets pretend
and pretend 
we're not pretending

we choose to
who we are 
and then forget 
that we've forgotten
who are we really?

The center 
that watches and runs the show
that can choose which way it will go

the I AM
that powerful
loving perfect
of the cosmos

but in our attempt
to cope with
early situations
we chose or were
hypnotized into
a passive position

to avoid punishment
or the loss of love
we chose to deny
response/ability ,responsibility
pretending that
things just happened
or that we were
being controlled 
taken over

We put ourselves 
and have become
used to this
this weakness

but we are
in reality
of cosmic energy

your will is your power
don't pretend
you don't have it..

Sunday, February 17, 2013

WHY NOT ?!?!

             Recently during one of my travels, I got to pondering about one thing, Why not? Yes, why not. We all know that almost everything the world has right now owes it to the one ultimate supreme word “Why?” . After all, its the source of all curiosity. We all seem to agree on its cumulative importance. And it is, after all that's the word that gave us many important inventions and discoveries. But I am not gonna talk about the importance of the word “Why”. Its well-known and very well-documented. Today, I am going to talk about its lesser known brother namely, “Why not?” It is the younger ,tamer sibling of the former and its lesser known, too. But it does go about its own business quietly and silently, never ever taking much credit for its successes but it does publicly owns up its failures and sometimes it's siblings's too. Scientist's and philosophers alike have always asked this question to almost about everything they see or feel or sense. Why always seems to give some  relevant answers. Newton discovered gravity because of it, its the same with Einstein, I guess Sigmund Freud and countless others like him. I guess its because of the curiosity and passion it arouses in people. But now in a world of infinite improbabilities, Why not is proving to be a better alternative than why. I mean it super-cedes why now-a-days. Just think about it, if there were no why not's, would there be any modern inventions beyond the why's ? I mean only why does seem to give the answers but the real point of inventions lie with the why not's. Take a moment and think about it. Just for an example, take the wheel. “Why” gave the answer to how it actually works, but it takes an equally brilliant mind to come with an equally brilliant question why not? Why not use it for something? Why not put one more and couple it with a horse to make a cart? Why not put two and two together coupled with an engine and build a stable machine with a transport?

Most of the whys in this world have already been answered, Just look at the list of books from the first one to the current one in the publishing house. Almost all books deal with why. To quote Will Smith, “There have millions and millions and gazillions of people that have lived before all of us. There's no new problem that you could have that someone already hasn't solved before, and wrote about it in a book”. So why bother with your stupid why's? Knowledge is the key and books are the source, so get on with it.

One thing I appreciate about the western world is that they don't bother much about dealing with past knowledge, they research further keeping in mind that they have a whole wide world of past knowledge, for their reference.They just don't waste time in re -learning everything. Just grab a hold of some basic concepts and surge forward knowing that you have all the data you need at your disposal. Whereas, we here are committed to re-learning every basic fact and memorizing them, instead of just looking them up whenever you need and move forward, You really learn while doing and not reading. So much for science..:p.  
So now there are very few why's that need to answered and they are real biggies too,but we should leave them to the experts. The real point forward from here on is asking why not? Why not like this? Why not like that? Its a revolutionary new way to look at the world. Some of the biggest discoveries were also discovered through the  same questions. Ex: the structure of benzene. :P
Now relating to life, no doubt that why does clear some doubts and perceptions but it also has a disadvantage. Almost naturally why is followed by Why me and sometimes, why always me?
And then comes the usual trap of this always happens to me, What wrong did I do to deserve this, Many people commit worse actions and are still happier than me,more successful than me, my motives were always good etc etc just to name a few.
I think the solution to this is shifting from thinking hard “why not?” instead of why and then forcefully following it by “why not me?” I know its difficult to answer but it just may be the answer to all of your miseries and dissatisfaction  Just at that instant, life will start to become clearer and you will be more satisfied with your current situation and you can strive to be better if you have a clear view of where you stand with respect to your goals. A quote from Hugh Prather,” There's no proof that at your current stage if your past choices would have made better results, there's a chance that it would have been worse or still it may have bought you exactly to the stage as you are now.". There's no need for lamenting over the fact that your choices could have been better, you could have worked harder. There's an almost equal chance that everything could fail given no fault of your own. So just own up your current situation and work up to what you want.
 Lets start a why not revolution in almost all phases of your life then and let your imaginations soar..   :) 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Breaking Free.. my first serious try at writing poems.. :)

                                                                      Breaking Free!!!

Don't wanna be somebody else's brave lil tiger,
Tired of doing things everybody else's way,
Sometimes i think i need to fight back,
And do all the things I do, my way.
Its a really big world out there,
With everybody trying to mould me their way,
But now I think i really need to fight back,
And do all the things my way... 

Its finally time now to wake up from a deep sleep,
A sleep though comfortable not at all tranquil,
Need to get out of that comfort zone and take a big leap,
Its only now I realize, the world's at my palm,
Just need to believe and reach out,
Recognizing I need to be my own brave lil tiger,
Only for my sake, no need at all to shout..
Belief's the word and curiosity's the key,
With freedom in my thought , am ready to boot,
I'm coming world, To thee..

Its a really big world out there,
With everybody trying to mould me their way,
But now finally I've broken free......

And with some generous contribution to this from Dr. Anand...

I am coming Oh! world unto thee
With all my spark and energy,
Don't harness my flow with your fears 
and let me freely flow oh dear!

let me soar amongst the larks
and with the daffodils in the park;
let grains of sand be on my feet,
And hands  left free to softly knead..
the dough of life as i feel!

Let me have liberty to fail, 
while attempting life's mountain to scale;
Let nothing deter me oh! my life, 
in dancing freely to my vibes!!